Planning my funeral

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Understanding the Cost of a Funeral

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When a family member dies, it can be a devastating experience. In the midst of this despair, you will need to deal with a lot of bureaucratic things, such as registering the death with the local authorities, arranging for the storage of the body and arranging how the funeral will be paid for. This final point can be something which can be confusing. Below is a guide to how the cost of a funeral will be calculated.…

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4 Ways a Funeral Home Can Help With an Eastern Orthodox Funeral Service

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If you are Eastern Orthodox, your faith community and church will take care of a lot of the funeral process for you if you lose a loved one. However, you may still need the help of a funeral home. Here’s what a funeral home can do: 1. Prepare the Body Traditionally, many people who are Eastern Orthodox prefer to do some of the preparation of the body on their own. This includes washing and dressing the deceased and may include anointing the deceased with oil.…

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