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Polished Granite Headstones: A Cleaning Guide

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Polished granite headstones look majestic and are very strong, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require cleaning from time to time. Care must be taken when cleaning a granite headstone, as using the wrong tools such as metallic brushes or strong chemical cleaners can result in scratching and staining. Below is a step by step guide to cleaning a polished granite headstone. Check for Existing Damage The first step you should take is to check the headstone for any damage such as flaking, erosion or cracks.…

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Planning a Funeral for a Loved One Who Wore Makeup: Four Things You Need to Know

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If you are planning a funeral for a loved one who always wore makeup, you may want to provide the funeral director with some of your loved one’s makeup. Before doing that, however, you may want to understand a bit more about the process. Here’s what you need to know: 1. Funeral directors have makeup on hand. Funeral directors use makeup on all of their deceased clients, regardless of whether or not they wore makeup during their lives.…

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Use These 3 Ideas To Honour Your Loved One At His/Her Funeral

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Dealing with the loss of a loved one is very challenging. The mourning experience is usually very emotional and overwhelming. One of the best ways to honour your loved one is celebrating his or her life at their funeral. You want to make sure that you remember some of the best memories and times with the deceased. For this reason, thinking outside the box or having unique ideas at the funeral is a great way of honouring their life.…

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